Sunday 16 March 2008

Khoodeelaar! Says No to Crossrail hole plotting Lies in the UK 'House of Lords' -

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill ['Crossrail Bill'] tells the 'legislative' UK 'House of Lords' to remove the lies from their records- here and on associated Khoodeelaar! web sites

What is this about?

Briefest answer is that the contents of paragraph 3382 in the “House of Lords CrossRail Bill Select Committee’ proceedings this past week.

The paragraph is a pack of utter lies and an outrageous violation of all principles of ethics evidence, truth and morality…

Because of this, we are now going to examine the outrage and the violation in the detail that the matter warrants.

Here is the contextual introduction to the unconstitutionality and outrage that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign is addressing:

By©Muhammad Haque
2055 Hrs GMT
Sunday 16 March 2008

The 'legislative' UK 'House of Lords' 'Crossrail Bill' 'Select Committee’ has a clear duty to act constitutionally. If it fails - or refuses- to do so then BOTH the 'House of Lords' 'Crossrail Bill' 'Select Committee' itself and the ‘management’ [!!!] of the Upper Chamber’ themselves will be to blame for the consequent loss of legitimacy by AND for [and to the cost of the presently composed] ‘House’.

Khoodeelaar! has been advising the ‘UK 'legislative' 'House' of Lords’ to keep a vigilant eye on the risk that their House was in of losing whatever remains of their legitimacy. This advice has been given to the House of Lords verify much as a deliberate way of saving the House from falling into the ditch of disrepute.

We [Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill and agenda] have published a number of comments and reports to this same effect since before a group of ‘peers’ [‘members’ of the UK ‘House of Lords’ are also known as ‘peers’ - as if the anachronism already evident in the bureaucracy was not off-putting enough] visited the sites of the plotted Crossrail hole attacks in the E1 area [20 February 2008]

Khoodeelaar! [on Monday 17 March 2008] tells the legislative' UK 'House of Lords' 'Crossrail Bill' 'Select Committee' [=’’UKHOLXRAILBC] that either it [UKHOLXRAILBC] will conduct itself in manifest accordance with the Constitution and show that it is actively and consistently abiding by the Constitution or it [UKHOLXRAILBC] will flout the Constitution and behave inconsistently and thus discredit itself.

That the discrediting of the UKHOLXRAILBC will be based and founded and verifiable on the relevant behaviour of the controlling minds and influences that have been active in the conception of the lie [as detected for the first time by Khoodeelaar! campaign members and supporters in the relevant mala fide conduct concerned on or about 11 March 2008 and on dates thereafter] and in the utterance of the lie and in the insertion in the ‘records of the proceedings’ of the UKHOLXRAILBC of the same lie to the effect that the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been uncontactable or that the campaign organiser has been uncontactable or that any of the objectors as represented by Khoodeelaar! has been in any factual, evidential, accurately stated or constitutional or actual or temporal or relevant or demonstrable way been uncontactable.

That the fact that a lie of that description could have been conceived in or near or around or via or through or under the cover of the bureaucracy of the UKHOLXRAILBC is prima facie and complete and sufficient evidence that the UKHOLXRAILBC is not engaged in delivering to the public the main service for which its members are paid the allowances.

[To be continued]


Constitutional law action against the Secretary of State for Transport

Exhibit ref Khoodeelaar!-RK_29102007.

By©Muhammad Haque


Dear Ms Kelly and Mr Harris

Re: Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law questions forming
part of the Khoodeelaar! Challenges to the ‘Crossrail
Bill’ promoters and to the conduct of ministers, 'the
Crossrail Bill Team' and the ‘conduct’ of the
Secretary of State at the DfT in promoting the
‘scheme’ and the Bill so far

As 'ministers' you have certain clear constitutional
duties that you must discharge and you must be seen to
be discharging.

Answering relevant questions about the
constitutionality or otherwise of your prompting of
the 'Crossrail Bill' is part of that duty.

If you carry on neglecting that duty, the evidence of
your action will go against you if you later seek to
claim that you did respond.

We are asking for you to provide answers to ALL the
Khoodeelaar! Questions against CrossRail Bill that we
have put to date to the DfT and addressed to each
holder of the office of 'Secretary of State’ at the UK
Department for Transport.

By ‘answers’ we mean ‘the full facts regarding all
aspects of your [singular and plural] conduct as we
have spelt out during the past 46 months in our
communications, contacts and statements addressed to
you in your relevant loci.

Yours faithfully
Muhammad Haque
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Bill
1235 Hrs
29 October 2007"

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